How to type ‸ Caret?
To type the ‸ using the keyboard you can the Alt code from the shortcode section. Here are the two simple steps to type the ‸ using Alt code from your keyboard. Make sure you switch on the Num Lock from the keyboard and you type the number from the Numpad and not from the top row of the keyboard.
- Hold down the left Alt Key from your keyboard.
- Type the Alt code number 8248 and release the Alt key.
Once you release the Alt key, the ‸ symbol will be displayed. This trick will work for other special characters also.
How to add Caret in HTML?
To add the ‸ Caret in HTML, you can use an HTML entity, an HTML code(decimal), and a Hex code. Use the shortcode section to copy the various shortcodes for the Caret. Here is the example:
// HTML code example
<span>I am ‸ Symbol</span>// HEX code example
<span>I am ‸ Symbol</span>All the above example will display the Caret symbol as below.
I am ‸ symbol.How to add Caret in CSS?
To display the Caret from CSS, you can use a CSS shortcode or CSS entity. Use the shortcode section to copy the CSS entity code for the Caret. You can only add content :before or :after an element: Here is the example:
// CSS entity code example
.addSymbol:after {
content: ' \2038';
// The HTML
<div class="addSymbol">Caret</div>The above example for CSS entiry for Caret symbol will display the result as below.
Caret ‸
★Star Symbols©Copyright, Trademark & Office Symbols£Currency Symbols⟦⟧Stylish Bracket Symbols♛Chess Symbols♧Card Symbols♬Music Symbols℃Weather & Unit Symbols➹Arrows Symbols✝Religious & community Symbols❤Heart Symbols✔Checkmark and Tick SymbolsπMath Symbols⑨Number Symbols⁍Bullet Symbols❐Square & Rectangle Symbols▲Triangle Symbols◉Circle SymbolsβGreek Letter Symbols⌘Technical Symbols🝤Alchemical Symbols𝓗Letter Symbols🀀Mahjong Tile Symbols❀Flower Symbols♨Miscellaneous SymbolsℛLetterlike Symbols◐Geometric Shapes Symbols⁋Punctuation Symbols♈Zodiac Symbols
‸ Caret
Click above button to copy ‸ symbol
Copy and paste shortcodes for ‸ Caret.
Unicode | U+2038 | |
Alt Code | 8248 | |
HTML Code | ‸ | |
CSS Code | \2038 | |
HEX Code | ‸ |
Copy paste more Punctuation Symbols related to Caret
- ⁂Asterism
- ⁎Low Asterisk
- ⁑Two Asterisks Aligned Vertically
- ‱Per Ten Thousand Sign
- ‰Per Mille Sign
- ‹Single Left-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark
- ›Single Right-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark
- •Bullet
- ‣Triangular Bullet
- ⁃Hyphen Bullet
- ⁌Black Leftwards Bullet
- ⁍Black Rightwards Bullet
- ‽Interrobang
- ‐Hyphen
- ‑Non-Breaking Hyphen
- ‒Figure Dash
- –En Dash
- —Em Dash
- ―Horizontal Bar
- ‖Double Vertical Line
- ‗Double Low Line
- ‘Left Single Quotation Mark
- ’Right Single Quotation Mark
- ‚Single Low-9 Quotation Mark
- ‛Single High-Reversed-9 Quotation Mark
- “Left Double Quotation Mark
- ”Right Double Quotation Mark
- „Double Low-9 Quotation Mark
- ‟Double High-Reversed-9 Quotation Mark
- †Dagger
- ‡Double Dagger
- ․One Dot Leader
- ‥Two Dot Leader
- …Horizontal Ellipsis
- ‧Hyphenation Point
- ′Prime
- ″Double Prime
- ‴Triple Prime
- ‵Reversed Prime
- ‶Reversed Double Prime
- ‷Reversed Triple Prime
- ※Reference Mark
- ‼Double Exclamation Mark
- ‾Overline
- ‿Undertie
- ⁀Character Tie
- ⁁Caret Insertion Point
- ⁄Fraction Slash
- ⁅Left Square Bracket With Quill
- ⁆Right Square Bracket With Quill
- ⁇Double Question Mark
- ⁈Question Exclamation Mark
- ⁉Exclamation Question Mark
- ⁊Tironian Sign Et
- ⁋Reversed Pilcrow Sign
- ⁏Reversed Semicolon
- ⁐Close Up
- ⁒Commercial Minus Sign
- ⁓Swung Dash
- ⁔Inverted Undertie
- ⁕Flower Punctuation Mark
- ⁖Three Dot Punctuation
- ⁗Quadruple Prime
- ⁘Four Dot Punctuation
- ⁙Five Dot Punctuation
- ⁚Two Dot Punctuation
- ⁛Four Dot Mark
- ⁜Dotted Cross
- ⁝Tricolon
- ⁞Vertical Four Dots
- ⸮Reversed Question Mark
- ★Star Symbols
- ©Copyright, Trademark & Office Symbols
- £Currency Symbols
- ⟦⟧Stylish Bracket Symbols
- ♛Chess Symbols
- ♧Card Symbols
- ♬Music Symbols
- ℃Weather & Unit Symbols
- ➹Arrows Symbols
- ✝Religious & community Symbols
- ❤Heart Symbols
- ✔Checkmark and Tick Symbols
- πMath Symbols
- ⑨Number Symbols
- ⁍Bullet Symbols
- ❐Square & Rectangle Symbols
- ▲Triangle Symbols
- ◉Circle Symbols
- βGreek Letter Symbols
- ⌘Technical Symbols
- 🝤Alchemical Symbols
- 𝓗Letter Symbols
- 🀀Mahjong Tile Symbols
- ❀Flower Symbols
- ♨Miscellaneous Symbols
- ℛLetterlike Symbols
- ◐Geometric Shapes Symbols
- ⁋Punctuation Symbols
- ♈Zodiac Symbols